ICNP Logo San Francisco
The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)
November 10-13 2015                                                  San Francisco, CA

Dear potential ICNP 2015 attendees,

The organizing committee of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) is pleased to announce the availability of student travel grants to selected students attend the conference to be held in San Francisco, CA, during the week of November 10-13, 2015. It will help partially cover the cost of the student's travel, lodging, and registration fees. Limited fund is also available to partially support the travel of students attending the GENI NICE workshop. Note that awardees will need to pay for their expenses ahead of time and get reimbursed after the conference.

Student applicants should submit their applications by September, 25th, 2015. We plan to announce the awards by Monday, October 5th, 2015.

The student should provide his/her CV, an application letter, and the advisor's recommendation letter in a single PDF file, and send it to Prof. Kai Zeng at kzeng2@gmu.edu. Please indicate "ICNP 2015 Student Travel Grant Application" and your full name in the email subject.

The student's application letter should indicate:

  1. the academic status of the student;
  2. whether the applicant is an author of a regular paper, a workshop paper, a PhD Forum paper, or a poster; whether s/he is a PhD forum attendant; and whether s/he submitted a paper to ICNP but did not get accepted;
  3. whether the applicant plans or has registered to the GENI NICE workshop;
  4. how s/he would benefit from attending ICNP, including which areas in the ICNP program would impact the student's research;
  5. a brief summary of research interests and accomplishments.

The advisor's recommendation letter should describe:

  1. the applicant's academic standing in the institution;
  2. discuss why and how the applicant would benefit from attending ICNP; and
  3. explain why the applicant is in need of the travel grant.

ICNP 2015 Organizing Committee